We do not work alone for you
Our cooperation partners and consultants
Cooperation partner
Since 2018, Merck KGaA has a silent participation in Munditia Technologies GmbH and has supported and supported the company with its network and know-how, particularly in the Merck Accelerator 2018. Munditia Technologies GmbH was selected from almost 500 applicants to participate in the Merck Accelerator.
The UNIVERSITY of Kassel is distinguished by its Plastics Technology Competence Centre, which works closely with industry and is an additional sparring partner for MUNDITECH Technologies GmbH.
As a founding shareholder, Johannes Hübner Beteiligungs-GmbH represents an important source of impetus, which has supported and continues to support the StartUp economically and with extensive know-how, particularly in the start-up phase and beyond.
With ADOLF WÜRTH GmbH & Co. KG, the world's largest screw manufacturer and specialist for trade and industry. Under the product name ANTI - KEIM - BESCHICHTUNG, WÜRTH has included the world's only biocide-free hygiene coating (from MUNDITECH) in its standard range. WÜRTH stands for innovation, market leadership and sustainability, which was once again underlined by the inclusion of the product. Further innovative products are planned for the future in the cooperation partnership.
Scientific advisory board
Prof. Dr. Markus Egert,
Professor of Microbiology at Furtwangen University of Applied Sciences
Dr. Stephan Teipel,
graduate chemist and German Patent Attorney, European Patent Attorney
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Peter Heim,
Head of Institute of Materials Engineering, Plastics Materials, University of Kassel